PVC Marking Tape 5 COLORS Coax Cable Antenna Line Wire Connector
PVC Marking Tape 5 COLORS Coax Cable Antenna Line Wire Connector
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PVC Marking Tape
Have you ever run a bunch of coax and later wondered which was which? It happens to all of us. Now you can inexpensively mark the lines at the antenna and the bottom end and know without guessing.
PVC marking tape. Comes in 5 colors consisting of Red, Yellow, Blue, Green and Black. You get a total of 5 rolls, one of each color. Rolls are 5/8" wide and 10' long each. Not designed as a electrical tape, these are for marking lines and cables only. We have a supply of this marking tape at a affordable cost that makes it worth while marking your lines.
Use them in the shack for identifying the equipment lines from equipment to antenna panel or equipment to equipment interconnections.
Note - won't last forever in UV, sunlight or weather and not designed for long term application (you can get those 10 to 20 dollar rolls for that, but they still degrade in sunlight also).