About US

The best way to describe the company and Dave ...

Back in the 60s, a favorite passion for Dave (W5SWL) was that of a Short Wave Listener (SWL) and he logged countless countries. In 1971 he obtained his Amateur Radio (HAM) license WN5FWE and a short time later became WB5FWE when he upgraded his license. When the callsign W5SWL became available that seemed like a logical choice in callsigns since it contained the letters SWL. Active occasionally on most bands, he still has a large passion for HF and Short Wave listening along with microwave work and radio astronomy. 

Dave spent many years working in and running Radio Shack stores starting when he was in his teens. Back in the day when Radio Shack had walls of parts and sales staff that knew what they were.  According to Dave, "things were pretty cool back then working for the Shack" and that is probably the reason Dave loves and sells connectors, parts and pieces now. In the early 80s after leaving Radio Shack, Dave joined the world of mail order and sold his first item by mail order. That business specialized and sold home satellite dishes (TVRO*, the big 10ft or larger dishes) and was one of the first and few merchants to offer the "Big Dish" via mail order in the country along with local sales and service to home and business.  Fun times! A lot has transpired since those early days to today ranging from commercial radio sales and surplus to being a 5 frequency RCC and PCP paging company and cell phone rental agency. Vintage folks such as Dave will remember those "Ham Trader Yellow Sheets" where grown men were known to run to the mail box to grab  and read the HTYS on the day it showed up to get the goodies :)

The main specialty now is in quality "RF Connectors & Gadgets" along with Technical Parts, Hobby Items, Select Books and Ham Radio Products.

From the early Radio Shack days and to this day, Dave has believed in offering excellent customer service and response.  Dave believes in treating people not as merely customers, but as friends and family and that is really how it should be. Too bad many companies and business concerns don't understand this! It is a personal and company team motto here.

This year (2023) marks about 40 years of experience in business since Dave departed from the "Shack" and there are many friends from those very early years up to today. If you are a old friend, welcome! If you are new friend, please enjoy your visit and we hope you will be with us for a long time.

*Television Receive Only


Quality Products for the More Knowledgeable and Experienced User !
From W5SWL