RF Devices - RF Switches
Common Switch Types
Transfer Switch - Very similar to a Double Pole Double Throw switch. Has two independent paths that operate at the same time.
SPDT Switch - Has typically one input port and two selectable output ports.
SPDT Terminated Switch - As the above SPDT switch, however with the non selected port terminated in a load.
Break Before Make Switch - A switch where the RF is disconnected from the current port before being placed on a different port.
Multi-Position Switch - This type switch will have one input port but more than two output ports. A terminated version of this switch will have a load on each unselected port usually.
Common Switch Terminology
Low PIM - A switch where signal mixing is reduced. PIM can mask low level signals if present.
Failsafe - A switch that will always return to a preselected port if power is removed. For example, it could be a port with a load, so in a power loss the equipment is protected.
Momentary - A switch that only while a voltage is applied. Upon removal of power, the ports are unselected.
Latching - Once a port is selected the switch will remain on that port even if power is removed. To select a different port, power must be applied to the desired port connection.
TTL - This switch will be able to be controlled by TTL logic inputs. BCD TTL Decoder switches has the logic circuitry in the switch typically.
We sell a great many types of switches so we may not present all specs of the switch on the page. It is sometime impractical to show switch specs on all items as they come and go so rapidly, we suggest that you preview your switch needs with a Google search for the switch model to get the manufacturers specifications.
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