Dipole Insulators 3 pcs Light Weight Perfect for QRP Portable
Dipole Insulators 3 pcs Light Weight Perfect for QRP Portable
- Vendor
- Unbranded
Perfect for back pack portable or camping!
- Polyethylene with U/V Inhibitors
- Works great with 9-22 Gauge Wire and more
- Light Weight
- Use for HF or VHF/UHF Antennas
Perfect for making inexpensive ham radio dipole or inverted Vee antennas! Works great for Shortwave Antennas and Prepper Antennas. Durable, use them over and over.
Keep these insulators, a roll of light weight wire, and some coax cable together and you are all set to make a handy antenna for emergency operations, in a time of need for bugging out for your ham rig or shortwave receiver, or as a camping antenna. Perfect for bug out bags and shelters with the super light weight design and small size.
The formula for building dipole antennas is 468/Freq (in MHz) and then divide by 2 to get each leg length, ie: for 40 meters it would be something like 468/7.050 for 66.38ft/2 = 33.2 feet per leg. For a Inverted Vee antenna deduct about 5% from each leg's length.