WORKMAN HUM1 Ham CB GMRS Scanner Radio Hump Mount - Use on Hump Floor
WORKMAN HUM1 Ham CB GMRS Scanner Radio Hump Mount - Use on Hump Floor
- Vendor
- Workman
Mount For Ham or CB Radio, Scanner and GMRS
Workman - HUM1
Workman - HUM1
A very nice mount made for mobile size CB, Ham and GMRS radios and scanners. Heavy metal construction, it measure about 5" deep and with the mounting ears extended about 7" wide. Each mounting ear has two holes for the mounting screws (not included). The side mounting ears are movable to mount to a variety of different angles such as the transmission tunnel, floor or even a shelf or desk top in your radio room. The mounting plate raises or lower from a flat position to a angle upward facing position.
The radio flat plate that your radio bracket mounts on is about 3-1/2" deep x 3-11/16" side. The long slots are spaced front to back center to center apart at about 2-5/16" apart. Each slot is about 1-1/8" long and there is about 1/2" between the slots side to side. There is a 1-15/16" round hole on the mounting plate for those radios having a downward facing internal speaker, that helps you hear the audio better. The mount has a nice flat area on the the front and back so you also have enough room to mount a speaker on the front or back of the mount if desired or drill a hole to mount switches or indicator lights for power etc. The mount is just right to mount some of the commercial radio control heads as well.
Having used mobile mounts such as this one since the 1970s, this mount is about as good as you can get for mounting a mobile. Not to big and not to small, it is a nice mount.
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