Cabinet Equipment Gear Handles 6-3/8" Long Heavy Duty
Cabinet Equipment Gear Handles 6-3/8" Long Heavy Duty
- Vendor
- Unbranded
We sell the good stuff !
Cabinet and Equipment Handles. Nice heavy and solid design, these are not the cheap imported thin metal stuff. The diameter of the handle is about 1/2". Spacer or legs stand the handle about 15/16" off the surface of the equipment which is just about perfect for the fingers or RF / power cable to fit in between the panel and the handle. Legs are about 3/8" in diameter and they are about 1" in from the ends of the handle. Mounting screws come with the handles and they are break away screws, which means they can be cut or broken to needed length. If using on a really thin panel you may need to get shorter screws to suit your need. These new surplus from our warehouse. Makes a nice handle for the rack mount gear or for the look and appearance! You get one handle.