Pull In Snap actuator DC Voltage Electronic Project or Model Railroad
Pull In Snap actuator DC Voltage Electronic Project or Model Railroad
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Warehouse finds
- Part # SA 1216-2 Pull In Actuator. When DC is applied, the plunger will pull in
- From our warehouse bins and unused
- Pretty zippy at 24VDC with a nice audible snap, will pull in at 12VDC also but with less zippy'ness
- Main body about 1-1/4" long x 1/2" diameter.
- Mounting neck is about 3/16". You will need to supply the mounting nut, the thread is unknown
- Plunger is about 1" in length and will pull in about 1/4". It is 5/16" in diameter.
- Plunger is tapped and threaded on the end. Thread unknown (looks like a #6 or similar - you determine that)
- Does not appear to be polarity dependent - works either way. Wires about 1ft long.
- Might be great for a model railroad application for movement
- Enjoy!