Some time ago we had a customer not understand why we use email only for contact and responses to questions on various things. We understand those concerns, however we feel it is a better alternative in this fast paced world as we serve all customers to the best of our abilities. No one is ever ignored or shorted answers from our team. Our system works, it is fast and accurate. You do get someone via email who knows how to take care of things and answer questions promptly.
For many years when we were primarily in the paging and cellular industry we had approximately 2 dozen voice phone lines not including fax lines. Yes, 24 lines ringing night and day. What a night mare it was, and that was how things worked back then. As a result we spent enormous amounts of time and staff resources answering the same questions, sometimes over and over for the same caller. Being on hold was common. And we didn't get as much done as we needed to for other customers. And as many of us know, what is verbally said isn't very permanent and lasting, people forget and the response(s) seem to change over time as they are remembered or in the usual case not remembered. It is human nature. Now I suppose the latest greatest trend is chat and AI, where you really don't know if who you are talking to is a real person or a bit of software. No, that isn't going to happen here!
The ole phones and system was then and now it isn't the same type of operation or world to use them. What was common place before the web and email came into being such a large activity was the phone and fax. We phased out phones completely when we sold our downtown store. In fact we only have one VOIP office line buried under stacks of papers, and a VOIP fax line. Neither of which see a minutes use usually. We find that our team can more effectively assist customers and clients via email faster and more accurately. And doing so doesn't take much time away from taking care of other customer's needs such as order processing, shipping, etc. Plus it is much more accurate in detail and there is not any doubt concerning what was asked question wise or what our response is or was at the time. Emails are not forgotten here and are acted upon, whereas calls are subject to human nature that affects all of us and are easily forgotten. You can even send us a pic via a reply and this is something you can't do with a phone call.
And best of all, unlike some of the companies that have wonderful contact us forms and all the customer service hype one can stand but can never seem to respond to the request is that the team here actually does respond and assist our customers. (see my other entry on where I contacted some companies as a test)
So while I am very sorry that a few might not like to use email or simply cannot do without the verbal contact and I understand that it is frustrating for some, we do refrain from calls.
Give it a try and if you feel you cannot ask the question via email instead of talking to us, just put it in your own words on the form and we will work with you and narrow down what you need to know.