Radiall N Male to N Male Barrel Coupler RF Connector Adapter (bin9624)

Radiall N Male to N Male Barrel Coupler RF Connector Adapter (bin9624) - Dave's Hobby Shop by W5SWL

Radiall N Male to N Male Barrel Coupler RF Connector Adapter (bin9624)

Our stock # is UC9624
We have 1 in stock ... Enjoy!

From Our Warehouse Bins

RF Gadgets & Electronic Parts:
  • Radiall N Male to N Male
  • Barrel or Coupler RF connector adapter 
  • 50 Ohms
  • On items with more than one quantity shown, it is our choice of what is pulled from the bin and sent
  • You get one
  • Used. Enjoy!

Quality Products for the More Knowledgeable and Experienced User !

From W5SWL