One of my pet peaves is the lack of customer service the consumer or buyer is "expected" to endure and accept in order to purchase something from a company. It just gets worse and worse. And it is one of the reasons I personally take the needed time and effort to answer customer msgs, and I expect everyone here to do the same.
What am I referring to? Customer service forms on website or emails sent to customer service. You know the "contact us" forms companies have that claim to offer the best and fastest customer service and response in the world, etc. But the reality is that you never hear anything, not a peep, from those best and fastest companies. Or you get a canned msg or something that makes you wonder what planet they are residing on.
Recently to prove a point in a meeting we had about answering and answering timely our msgs, I sent easy to answer emails or used the customer service forms on the websites of 2 dozen companies. I used a covert email address so they would not know who it was really from and I made sure the questions could be answered with something simple. I sent the emails or msgs and waited, waited for 2 weeks.
Out of a couple of dozen companies I received about 5 actual responses. The rest were silent, or at least I never received a response if it was sent. So the nature of the beast I guess is to claim all the customer service in the world, even if they don't give it. Sad deal really. I suppose they are too busy taking care of business to actually do business?
So when you msg us using our contact form, yes please expect a reply from us. It is just the way it should be done!