NOTE - We are no longer at this location
Anheuser-Busch Building, 600 Main Street, Van Buren, AR
Also known as the Anheuser-Busch Ice House and Anheuser-Busch Brewery
While we had several locations over time in the Oklahoma City area, we had two in Arkansas for the hobby shop. The first location is our current rural warehouse operation and our second location for the retail hobby shop location was in Van Buren, Arkansas in the Anheuser Busch Building. Located in the Historic District of Van Buren it was a magnificent old building. We spent a year completely redoing this building before opening up the store. We sold the building to a friend and fellow building owner downtown that wanted it and we are no longer there, but the memory still lives in our eyes and mind. Sadly much of the historic significance and beauty of the building has been what we would call significantly altered in recent years.
In addition to missing the old building we really miss meeting with friends at the downtown store and that aspect is really missed now as unfortunately our warehouse operation is restricted and our insurance requirements prohibit onsite visitors.
The Anheuser-Busch Building is located in the Historic District of Van Buren, Arkansas, just down the street from the Arkansas & Missouri Railroad Depot. 600 Main Street, right on the corner at 6th & Main. The building is on the National Historic Register and according to sources, was built in 1892. Paperwork does conflict with the 1892 date and we can show some evidence of construction in 1898. It is said to be one of the last remaining Anheuser-Busch Ice House left standing. Originally intended as a three story structure, the building was only completed to two stories. A year long endeavor of rehabilitating the interior was substantially completed. The outside still maintains the last known A and Eagle emblem of the Anheuser Ice Houses on the front and large letters spelling out "Anheuser-Busch" are on the 6th street side of the building. The front entry way is adorned with Anheuser-Busch tiles. Upstairs has original doors and transoms and beautiful woodwork. Visible, but not working of course, is the original tube wiring and sockets, along with the original breaker boxes. Downstairs finds a magnificent vintage 1843 front and back bar in mint condition which was kept as part of the building along with a large safe. Originally, the lower rear street level part of the building had a horse stable and loading dock.
While we owned the building, we took great effort to ensure that no materially damaging construction was done as Dave's Hobby Shop was placed into operation in the building. All wood work was done by hand and all cases and fixtures custom fitted to the floor plan. All walls, ceilings and floors were maintained in the condition found or revitalized as needed. The lights in the building were all energy efficient florescent bulbs and fixtures except for a few small incandescence specialty applications. This was before the LED bulbs and fixtures were common place. Specialized lighting was used to high light the magnificent ceiling and floors in a light temperature of 2700 Kelvin. A gentle mix of old and new blends the atmosphere very nicely. The building was a center piece building in Van Buren, Arkansas. Sadly a lot of that work has been undone at this time and we feel a lot of the charm of the building is no longer present.
This page and information remains today to allow visitors the opportunity to enjoy the Anheuser-Busch Building in Van Buren, Arkansas and how it looked as we had our store in the building in 2005.

This is how things looked in June of 2004.
Check it out !
It is a bit of a scroll to the bottom but the pics are worth seeing!
A simply beautiful ceiling and a look at some Vibroplex Morse Code Keys & Bugs
We stock a great deal of electronic parts - resistors, capacitors, diodes, etc
Electrolytic capacitors and resistors are the theme here, and some ham antennas. Much of the electronics parts are upstairs.
A look down model kit row and the science kits. Largest model selection in the area !
N scale setup and the track cases
Magazines and paints, railroad structures and model rockets. That's a Jack Layton Directional Antenna book in the case

The model railroad equipment that greets a vistor! We stock a lot of magazines as well
N scale cars and the HO engine case
HO engines and the N scale engine case. That is a intermodal car in yellow
Engines and a shot of the MicroTrains, Bachmann and Model Power rolling stock
We have the largest selection of hobby magazines and books in the area !
We stock a complete line of Amateur Radio magazines. Dave is W5SWL

A working MicroTrains' Christmas "North Pole Village" in action
The check out counter is a 1843 original front and back bar ! Thats Dobson, our butler ... hiding out
Well, the Mummy is still in the corner, and isn't about to leave the refreshment area
Dobson would be happy to sell you a little kitty
We stock a lot of fully asssembled ships as well.
Lots of books and magazines and a view from the Mummy's area. Boo...

Smile, we do see you on the inside and out. Wait! Is that the old Dave's Hobby Shop on the right monitor !
We stock the largest selection of hobby videos in the area
A rather dim view of the Corgi Collectibles. Dobson gets blind sided
This beautiful old case came from the Red Oak Merchantile in Red Oak, Missouri. A town that was bought and moved by the owner
The first case is from Chouteau, Ok and the second is from Ft. Scott, Ks
Helicopter row and the wire and coax area
Corgi Collectibles and great looking wooden aircraft models
We have a huge selection of specialty pins
We stock Short Wave Radios, Ham Gear, CB Sets and Scanners. Thats Frank on the counter, he can't wait for Halloween!

Wait, a cow in a display case ! Get on home, girl !
We stock civil war magazines as well as many military and history publications
The Estes sign is from a 60s hobby shop. Even if you could get to the safe, you still have to deal with my Mummy!

When it is late at night, one can stand in the street and take pictures
The working MicroTrains North Pole Village
Beautiful wood models
Dobson is still trying to sell some kitties
As time permits we will post pics of the upstairs and wood work of the building.